Sunday, January 13, 2008

Green Dots on Quarterback Helmets?

by Christopher Reardon

I've been watching a lot of football with other contributors to NORMAL this season, and one question has come up a lot: What's with those big green dots on the backs of all the quarterbacks' helmets? A number of theories arose, like it was a way for the cameras to track the player or that it was somehow involved in the radio system the quarterback shares with the sideline (given that only the quarterback has the green dot on his head, this seemed the more likely scenario). The real answer, as provided by, is a bit more complicated:

"It signifies that the player has a radio helmet and the NFL will put the stickers on the helmets themselves each week. Only a QB can have a radio, and only one green dot can be on the field at a time. So, if a 2nd string QB comes in for a trick play, he has to have a different helmet to wear."

Good answer! Thanks EMQB.

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