Monday, January 14, 2008

Fame Isn't All it's Cracked Up to Be

by Scott Spillane

There have been endless accounts of over zealous people with cameras aka “paparazzi” harassing and invading famous people’s personal space.

A famous person can’t fart without a paparazzi smelling and reporting it.

I still can’t believe peoples reactions to famous people exploding on these paparazzi. How would you like 50 people flashing cameras in your face? I mean they are right in their faces!

I don’t care how much money they make, they are still human beings with feelings and emotions.

Take Britney Spears: is she a good mother? Hell no! She clearly has issues and what do these people do? They continue to harass her. She can’t even get in her car and drive somewhere, and then they get mad at her when she runs their feet over. I say if you don’t move, you are road pizza.

On occasion a celebrity fights back. Woody Harrelson, Alec Baldwin and Sean Pen have all fought back. I say kudos to them.

I’m sure many of you that are reading this are saying “they make millions of dollars so tough petunias for them” well I leave you with this;

On Sunday, August 31st 1997 Princess Diana was killed while being chased by the paparazzi. All she wanted was some privacy with her boyfriend.

So I guess using the logic above its ok she died because she had a lot of money.

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