Sunday, December 30, 2007

Announcement: Art Director Needed!

NORMAL is looking for an art director to help supplement my intermediate HTML and graphic design skills. As art director your responsibilities would include:

-Designing a template for the main NORMAL site that I can manipulate with my intermediate HTML skills as needed. Must be compatible with Blogger.

-Designing the NORMAL Myspace page.

-Designing banner ads and "covers" to be included on the main site and on Myspace.

If you or anyone one you know has any web and graphic design skills and is interested in giving us a hand, shoot me an email at

Also, we're still looking for contributors! You know you have something to say, so contact me about it! I'm good at editing so even if your spelling and grammar aren't perfect, I can hook you up.

-Christopher Reardon; Editor-in-Cheif, Head Writer

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