Saturday, January 5, 2008

Shriveled Meat, Asterisks and Needles, Oh My!

by Scott Spillane

What do these names have in common: Barry Bonds, Jose Canseco, Jason Giambi and Ken Caminiti? All were in The Mitchell Report, big surprise huh?

The surprise to me was the absence of Ivan Rodriguez and Sammy Sosa.

After millions of dollars spent what did it accomplish? It confirmed that people “cheated” to become better, or to keep pace with the younger players.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the book store, here comes Joes Canseco with a follow up to his first book entitled “Juiced” where he claims that Alex Rodriguez is not who he appears to be.

Everyone wants to talk about asterisk going next to these players’ accomplishments. I say who cares?!? Can you prove that Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays or Frank Robinson didn’t use something to enhance their performance? Do you really think Babe Ruth being drunk and grossly overweight didn’t use something to pick himself up? C’mon, the guy was a mess.

If the athletes don’t mind doing permanent damage to their insides, their meat shriveled and pimples so big you can read braille on them then I don’t mind. I don’t know about you but I loved tuning in every night to watch Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa going back and forth hitting 70 home-runs. I even loved watching the biggest a-hole on two feet breaking the record. I for one love watching these guys smash the ball out of the park. Would you rather watch Barry Bonds at the dish or Steve Urkel?

In closing I ask one question, why do you care what they are doing to hit that ball? I wouldn’t give back the last 10 years of baseball for anything.

Image provided by TheSportsFlow


Anonymous said...

where does the line get drawn sir, Im a huge mixed martial arts fan, ans steriods is a definite one on one advantage...

Anonymous said...

What you are talking about is a horse of a different color. Mixed martial arts is a contact sport based on kicking the crap out of you opponent. You can potentailly kill smeone doing it. So I guess the snswer to your question is the line is drawn when you are talking about harming another human being.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

thank you for drawing that line sir